What are protected species?
Protected species include badgers, bats, breeding birds, dormice, great crested newt, otter, reptiles and water vole that are subject to protection under EU and/or UK legislation.
The Preliminary Ecological Appraisal may identify evidence of, or habitats with the potential to support, protected species within your site. The results of the appraisal will inform the requirement for Phase 2 Protected Species surveys.
Why do I need Phase 2 Protected Species surveys?
Phase 2 Protected Species surveys are required to avoid impacts to protected species through the development process. They will enable appropriate mitigation measures to be designed and implemented, ensuring that your development proceeds lawfully.
The presence of some protected species may require a European Protected Species Mitigation (EPSM) licence to be sought from Natural England before works commence on site.
How can Simlaw Ecology help?
Simlaw Ecology can provide expert advice on the survey, mitigation and licensing requirements for a range of protected species, including Bats, Dormice, Badgers, Reptiles, Great Crested Newts, Otter, Water vole, and Breeding Birds.